Good news if you need insurance and are at risk of flooding

Flood RE provides affordable insurance to home owners at risk of flooding. Before Flood RE launched in 2016, home owners who had been flooded or who lived in high flood risk areas were often left without insurance cover.  Sometimes, insurance companies refused to insure their property or they quoted premiums that were astronomical.  Many homeowners were left without any insurance.

Since its launch,  Flood RE has helped many homeowners obtain affordable insurance to protect homes at risk of flooding.

The good news is that from January 2019, Flood RE are reducing their premiums.  Homeowners will find it more affordable to protect homes situated in flood risk areas. Premiums for building insurance will reduce by 12.5% and contents insurance by 33%.  Read more

Homeowners Guide to Flood Resilience

Flood protection and flood resilience;

If your house is at risk of flooding, then you should know about flood protection and flood resilience. In fact, you should read this guide.

Mary Dhonau OBE, also known as 'The Queen of Floods' has a wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience of flooding. Along with key associates she has written this guide ‘A homeowner's guide to flood resilience'.

In it she explains how protecting your home from flooding is by far the best course of action, as it may prevent you needing to make an insurance claim or potentially reduce the value of a claim. This helps to keep down the cost of your future insurance premiums.

This document shows you how to check whether your property is at risk of flooding and if it is, it then guides you through all the different things that you need to consider. It includes a diagram showing the different ways to protect your home which is a great overview and well is worth a look.

To be sent a copy of the guide please complete the short form and we will email it you.

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    Flood risk checklist for your business planning

    Do you know if your business is at risk from flooding?  If it is then you need to create a business flood plan.

    Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the UK.  There has been a major flood every year since 1998 and with climate change this is likely to get worse.  Consequently UK businesses are more likely to be hit by flooding than destroyed by fire. It is estimated that 300,00 UK businesses are at risk from flooding.  Every business should check whether they are at risk of flooding and if they are, then they should develop a Business Flood Plan.

    A Business Flood Plan will help you to mitigate the risk to your business from flooding; potentially reduce the cost to your business and could make gaining insurance easier.  Preparation now could make the difference between your business failing after a flooding incident or being able to get back on your feet quickly and continuing in business.

    This comprehensive document outlines:

    • How you can find out if your business is at risk of flooding
    • How to sign up for flood warnings and what different flood warnings mean
    • An explanation of what you should include in your flood plan.
    • A checklist for your business to assess how prepared you are in case of flooding.

    Being flooded is never going to be easy, but with preparation the impact of flooding on your business can be significantly reduced.  Leading to less physical damage to your buildings, stock holdings, key equipment and critical areas and minimising the long term impact on your customers, supplier relationships and your staff too.  Developing your Business Flood Plan might also make gaining business insurance easier.

    This resource 'Checklist for Business Flood Planning' will guide you to work through all the important steps.

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