If you are at risk of being flooded, or indeed have been flooded in the past, then having the right insurance for your home or business is key.

Until recently, obtaining the right insurance at an affordable price was not easy. Many people found that the annual premiums were so expensive that affording insurance for their property was virtually impossible. If they could find insurance, then the excess charged was excessive.

Changes in the market with the introduction of Flood Re and the BIBA Commercial Scheme have made obtaining affordable flood insurance far easier.

However, insurance is a complex area and people often need support:

Helping you arrange your insurance

Helping you make a claim

So what has changed?


Flood Re is the result of the Government and the insurance industry working together to help provide affordable flood insurance for homeowners. It is a not for profit scheme which will be in place until 2039.

Each insurance premium sold in the UK contributes to a central fund. Where homes are at significant risk of flooding, the flood element of your household insurance policy is ‘passed on’ to flood Re. If you flood your insurance company will settle any claim but is then reimbursed from Flood Re if you flood.

Consequently, Flood Re should enable homeowners to find more affordable insurance policies with more reasonable excess levels.

You don’t deal directly with Flood Re but need to find an insurance company yourself or contact an insurance broker. Many insurance brokers have specialist flood advisers who can help you find the best insurance policy for your particular circumstances.

Watch a video which introduces Flood Re

Watch a more detailed explanation as Flood Mary interviews Aiden Kerr, Operations Director at Flood Re to discuss the scheme in detail

BIBA Commercial Scheme


Flood Re is targeted at homeowners and small residential units. Consequently, BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) launched a commercial insurance scheme, which aims to improve the ability of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and property owners to find suitable flood insurance.