Floodtite Toilet ‘Panseal’


Toilet Backflow Seal


Floodtite Toilet ‘Panseal’ is an essential anti-flooding device for a downstairs toilet which creates a secure seal around the toilet pan rim to prevent the back-flow of flood and foul waste water. It is fitted in seconds and requires nothing more than a few squeezes from a normal bicycle pump which is included in the pack.

Position the ‘Panseal’ directly below the pan rim. Pump in air using a bicycle pump and the expansion takes place creating the required seal.


“The Panseal solution has given me great peace of mindFloodtite Toilet ‘Panseal’

during the past 6 years of use; easy to install, effective

and affordable.” Tom – a satisfied customer


Specified by The Environment Agency, Water Utility Companies and Local Authorities. The product was also independently tested in October 2012 by HR Wallingford.

The maximum recommended expansion is 30 cm x 35 cm which covers over 95% of UK toilets. The minimum area it is suitable for would be 21.5cm x 27cm.

Box Contains:

  • 1 x Floodtite PansealFloodtite Toilet ‘Panseal’
  • 1 x T- Handle Pump
  • 1 x Adapter