Flexible Flood Defence Blocks - defend against flooding

Flexible Flood Defence Blocks: What they are and why they’re great!

Flexible Flood Defence blocks are a flexible and speedy flood defence.  The can be deployed quickly and easily and importantly, they are re-usable.

The Flexible Flood Defence Blocks are currently being used by The Hebden Bridge Flood volunteers who have said” In the past, we would have had to fill and carry many sandbags over a greater period of time and we would not have been able to save as many homes from damage”

You can read more Flexible Flood Blocks general information & technical specification :

  • What are Flexible Flood Blocks?
  • What are the benefits?
  • How Hebden Bridge Flood Volunteers use the blocks?
  • Technical specification.

You can read the more about the Hebden Bridge Flood Volunteers – how they tackled Storm Angus  

If you have any questions about the Flexible Flood Defence Blocks then please call us on 0208 442 0872 or email us on info@ukflooddefencealliance.com

Biba launches flood insurance for businesses

Flood Re provides affordable insurance for home owners in flood risk areas but businesses and rental properties are excluded from the scheme.  The British Insurance Brokers Association (Biba) have launched a new scheme that will include flood cover for many commercial premises and let properties located in areas at risk from flooding.  It is welcome news.  Read more